The CHILD![]() |
Archetypes …Continued from previous newsletters- Archetypes are patterns of energy that express the universal nature of the psyche, which we are all born with. Although there are many, everyone tends to have 4 identical archetypes along with varied others. These are The Child, The Victim, The Prostitute, and The Saboteur, we all go through these lessons in life. Symbolically, archetypes through their pictorial or descriptive language portray both shadow and light forms of reality. Put simply the shadow reflects the negative, repressed aspect of a psychological process, the light reflects the positive, and both expressions are observable. As a rule, the shadow tends to present first through a sense of dis-ease, which is a wonderful way for spirit to get our attention. If we fail to recognize what the dis-ease is about then events will take over, that is we get sick or find that life takes a deeper dive into disaster or despair. Archetypes provide powerful insights into our life, our health and our growth. As such archetypes are keys that can be used consciously by individuals to change destructive relationships, beliefs, attitudes or behaviours. Over the previous newsletters we have looked at both the Victim and Saboteur archetypes- This newsletter we will address the Child Archetype, I will give you list of Shadow/ negative and Light/ positive sides- maybe this will help you to see where you block, delay, or obstruct your own progress. CHILD the Shadow/Negative. The archetype of the Child in Shadow affects business, money, relationships, and history. The child has the knack of suddenly messing things up, can only earn an allowance, needs to be taken care of, and is often defensive. It is fair to say the child’s energy as reflected below does overlap. Characteristics: · Sacred child · feels inadequate-doesn’t feel equal and is afraid of criticism. · Is dependent one minute and a blazing Amazon the next (mercilessly lashes out). · Continues to create scar tissue-is often withdrawn or closed psychologically. · Has a woe is me attitude-feels helpless/fragile. · Seeks out co-dependent relationships; doesn’t want to take responsibility. · Is constantly fearing others will leave him/her. · His fears about being ignored and neglected by others. · Clings to others for love-is controlling, a perfectionist, or “ good” to avoid loss. · Acts like a child or is childish with certain people (their age is irrelevant). · Looks for surrogate parent/s to bail him/her out of trouble. · Is oversensitive toward authority figures-“Don’t harm me, mummy or daddy”. · Is at the mercy of fantasy-“if only”. · Is too vulnerable-has difficulty taking care of own needs and wants. · Is a complainer “it’s not fair, I have to be responsible, no one else will do it”. · Not enough child · is self-centered and indulgent-extremely immature and/or chaotic. · Is the vampire-sucks people dry, always wanting more, never has enough. · Needs attention yet never gets the “right” attention-never feel satisfied. · Feels small, has an inferior complex, and has destructive impulses. · Has a “Please may I” attitude with others; doesn’t want to grow up. · Needs to be taken care of-often experiences bouts of depression. · His unfulfilled wishes (stuck in daydreams, in never, Neverland-Peter Pan). · Wants to be the centre of attention-doesn’t listen, interrupts and pouts. · Blames first-is unwilling to accept blame or responsibility in relationships. · Is incapable of being responsible-highly competitive and demanding. · Throws temper tantrums and tends to lash out at others and be hurtful. · Has an “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitude-can be jealous and obnoxious. · Has infantile or immature reasoning-is naïve, resentful, and not accountable. · Is fearful that no one will listen so talks incessantly. |
The Child Archetype in light symbolises, promise, potential, and possibilities within the individual.
- Is light hearted and joyous in the knowledge that he/she is valuable, vulnerable and imperfect.
- Is a source of creativity, wonder and imagination-is a delight to be around.
- Is playful and balanced-knows the power of laughter to heal.
- Is spontaneous, generous, excepting, candid-has no resistance.
- Has no preconceived ideas-is psychologically open-makes no judgments.
- Expresses truth and faith easily and freely-makes no distinctions.
- Is energetic, enthusiastic and resilient.
- Possesses true transformational energy-seeks freedom from negative habits.
- Is filled with innocent joy and purity of thought-empties self of burdens.
- Finds inner love and heals childhood heart aches.
- Is capable of expressing a genuine compassion and forgiveness without hesitation.
- Is able to quickly forget the past and move forward-lives in the moment.
- Feels safe and secure in relationships-willingly listens and allows others a voice.
- Seeks relationships that are nurturing not dependent or Co-dependent.
- Is willing to let people grow and mature individually.
- Enjoys the process of individuation-no longer needs permission from others.
- Is able to bring out the best in everyone.
- Knows how to be happy for no particular reason.
- Matures thinking processes and welcomes opportunities to learn and grow.
- Develops mature reasoning power.
- Is able to demand with might and vigour what he/she needs.
- Welcomes responsibility as a sign of maturing.
- “Drop dead Fred” is a delightful movie that shows the shadow child and her journey into the light (also the Devouring mother & trickster Archetypes)