Its many uses.

Why Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is good for you.

Organic apple cider vinegar not only contains several important nutrients itself, it also assists the body to absorb other nutrients and digest its food properly, and it combats germs and bacteria.

Proponents of vinegar as a daily tonic recommend a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, taken three times a day with meals. Honey can be added to sweeten it, or you can increase the nutritional benefits by trying vinegar with vegetable or fruit juice.

Organic apple cider vinegar contains amino acids and enzymes, produced in the fermentation process. They act as catalyst to help the body break down and rebuild protein molecules. Protein is  provides the body with the means to manufacture vitamin A necessary in bone, muscle, skin and cell development, and is a source of energy.

In addition to containing several vitamins, organic apple cider vinegar assists the body in assimilating vitamins from foods and from supplements.

It also contains essential minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, boron, magnesium, silicon, manganese, and potassium.

In addition to the minerals it contains, vinegar helps the body absorb and use mineral supplements, when taken in tablet or capsule form. Organic apple cider vinegar also contains insoluble fibre in the form of pectin, which is digested slowly. Insoluble fibre interacts with the body by dragging cholesterol out with it, thus reducing health risks associated with cholesterol, such as heart attacks and strokes.

A valuable assistant to the immune system, beta carotene is contained in organic apple cider vinegar. It provides the body with the means to manufacture vitamin A, which is a necessary antioxidant. Beta carotene itself also acts as an antioxidant, combating cell and chromosome-damaging free radicals. There is a recognised association between lowered risk of cancer and diets high in antioxidant foods.


FEET:  Persistent foot odour can be treated by soaking in a vinegar foot bath a couple of times a week. This will dry out the feet and so control the odour.

HAIR: Rinsing hair regularly after shampooing with a one-third vinegar, two thirds water solution rids your hair of dandruff and gives it a healthy lustre.

Drinking apple cider vinegar with honey and water each day is said to give you thicker, healthier hair.

URINARY TRACT and VAGINA: If you are prone to repeated attacks of urinary tact infections, it can be helpful to take vinegar in water daily. It will keep the acid level of the urine higher, and decrease incidence of infections.

The acidity level of vinegar is close to the natural acidity level of the vagina. A vinegar douche (three tablespoons vinegar in a litre of water) will regulate the pH level of the vagina, and create an inhospitable environment for yeast infections.